June 12, 2024

Great Bay Community College held a Pinning Ceremony for the 2024 Nursing program graduates on Friday, May 10th at 4 p.m. at the College’s Portsmouth campus.  This year, 40 students received their associate of science  degrees in nursing after completing a rigorous evidenced-based curriculum with over 800 hours of clinical experience at area health care agencies.

The event included a History of Pinning offered by Dr. Dulcinea Kaufman, Nursing Department Chair who also presented the graduates with their pins. The Student Speaker was Bree Tillinghast, who was also awarded the Nightingale Award for Professionalism and Academic Excellence. Classmate Erin Nash received the Nightingale Award for Exemplary Clinical Practice. Professor of Nursing, Dr. Nancy DeSotto, read the Pinning Sentiments and Professor Lori Mancuso led the Nursing Class of 2024 in the Florence Nightingale Pledge.

“We are very proud of our students,” said Kaufman. “They have showed a lot of care and compassion for their patients as well as each other. Over 80% of the class have been offered and accepted a position as an RN in the Seacoast area.”

Last year’s Nursing class achieved a 97.29% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). For the past 4 years, Great Bay nursing students have consistently tested above the national average, with pass rates averaging 94.5%. Demand for slots in the nursing program at Great Bay remains strong, due in part to regional and national trends as well as the program’s reputation for training exceptional nurses.

Erin Nash, who plans on working at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center as a hematology-oncology nurse, highly recommends the Nursing program. “Great Bay Nursing was the best choice for me because of the unwavering support that faculty show their students. They go out of their way to support us both in the classroom, in the clinical setting, and care deeply about us as people first.”